The coach:

taryn Zappia

Specialty: Triathlon, Swimming

Current Location: Indianapolis, IN

Languages: English

Education / Background: BS in Finance, Indiana University

Athletic Highlights:

  • 1st at Knoxville Atomic Man 70.3

  • 7th at the 2023 Ironman 70.3 Steelhead

  • 12th at the 2021 Ironman 70.3 Texas

Available Coaching Plans: The Works, Bronze, Silver, and Gold



Taryn, a former competitive swimmer, specialized in long-distance and open water events. She embarked on her triathlon journey seeking a fresh challenge and a way to maintain her fitness while launching her consulting career. Taryn is a seasoned 70.3 finisher, an IRONMAN athlete, and an ultra-runner, with seven years of experience in endurance sports.

Taryn's coaching expertise spans a broad spectrum of athletic abilities. She has guided novices to multi-sport athletes and multiple-time IRONMAN and Boston Marathon qualifiers. Taryn derives immense satisfaction from assisting athletes as they undertake new challenges and strive to reach their goals.

She works closely with her athletes to manage demanding schedules, helping them balance their athletic aspirations with personal and family obligations. Taryn adopts a cooperative, communicative approach with her athletes, ensuring necessary adjustments are made and motivation levels remain high. She eagerly anticipates helping you cross numerous future finish lines!

Fun Facts

Favorite race: Ironman 70.3 St George

Ultimate athletic goal: Qualify for Ironman World Championship

Favorite fuel: Joje PB&J bars

Favorite off season hobbies: Spending time with my family and corgi, Enzo, and reading

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